Articles about Drupal
Webforms with Custom Templates in Drupal 7
Webform is basically the standard module for creating custom forms in Drupal. By default Webforms are treated as editorial content and therefore just have an automatically created id (like nodes). However most of the time you want to be able to create forms in a local environment and deploy them to your live website. Today I will explain you how.
Automated Drupal Updates using Drush
Drupal updates can be a real pain. Either the update path from one of the modules is broken, you need to reapply a patch for a bug, which still isn't fixed or something else goes wrong. In seven years of Drupal development I basically had it all and I grew so accustomed to it, that I started to do updates one module after another. I also create a separate commit for every single updated module. This way I can revert the update immediately, if something goes wrong. Luckily I found a way to automate this process.
Drupal: Insert PHP
Drupal's PHP filter enables users to use raw PHP code in text fields. While this is an extremely powerful ability, it quickly leads to serious security issues. Users with the ability to insert PHP code into your site, can practically do anything they want with your site. Also the PHP code is stored in the database and lives outside of your normal workflow. My Insert PHP module tries to fix the limitations of the PHP filter and provides a safer way to include raw PHP in your Drupal site.
Drupal: Maintenance Node
Drupal has somewhat limited options, when it comes to displaying information during site maintenance. By default admins may enter a simple maintenance message. Most of the times this is just enough, but sometimes you want to be able to make the maintenance page look more appealing. For this reason I developed a Maintenance Node module.
Drupal RPG Creator
Besides the obligatory dice game, almost every game-interested developer might have tried to create a role-playing game. One of my long-term-projects (translation: projects, which take forever and are never finished) is the Drupal RPG Creator. There is no other project, where I have as frequently thrown over everything, just to start over again.
Drupal: Ubercart Product Presets
Customizing products with a lot of options can be quite annoying. Especially when you just want to buy a simple standard product. While Ubercart provides a way to create highly customizable products, it doesn't provide a way to store presets for them. At labor b designbüro I recently developed a module, which lets customers and admins store presets for products and even share them with other customers.